Happy kids playing English

Happy kids playing English
Blog adatto agli alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado con brevi e divertenti aggiornamenti sui temi più vicini al mondo dei bambini di età compresa tra i 5 ed i 13 anni. Questa idea nasce dal mio desiderio di mamma di condividere con altri bimbi e genitori l'importanza di un approccio ludico e creativo all'apprendimento di una lingua straniera in qualsiasi momento della nostra giornata. Dedicato alla mia carissima insegnante di Inglese alle Medie: Prof. Anna Maria Piatti Errera ed ai nostri futuri "cittadini/e del mondo"!

domenica 22 dicembre 2013

Best Christmas Wishes

Dear kids,

I've just sent you a Christmas Card for you and your families, just click on the following link to view it:

Wishing you all the best xxx

domenica 15 dicembre 2013

Christmas Wish List

Hi kids!

10 days until Christmas.....are you ready with your wish-list and the letter to Santa Claus?

Animals, fairies, ponies, Lego bricks or transformers, Barbies, books, Pokemon-cards, dolls, Teddy-bears...are only some of the toys kids usually wish for and I guess you know very well how to list them in your letter...

But can you also write down some nice sentences to convince Santa that you really deserve these toys? Put yourself to the test and click on the following link, then help your little brother/sister to write the letter as well!
Let me suggest you to be fast...!

The following letter is instead an example for "grown-up kids"...(...your parents!!!)

giovedì 12 dicembre 2013

Gaia's Christmas Cookies

Dear kids + mums,

today I'm going to tell you the story of 2 young italian girls who met in Bournemouth (England) in summer 1988 at the age of 16-17. 
Once back in Italy they kept in touch and became penfriends because they lived in 2 different towns: Mantova and Florence. Today they both live in Florence and they are happy blogger-moms: one it's me and the other one is my dear friend Gaia who writes wonderful recipes on her blog www.profumodimamma.it which I have the pleasure to recommend to you.

Believe me and try this cookies recipe! 
You need the following ingredients:
150ml sugar, 25ml treacle, 50ml water, 100g butter, 1/2 tablespoon of orange peel (homemade orange powder is ok), 1 heaping tablespoon of ground cinnamon, 1/2 tablespoon ground ginger, 1/2 tablespoon of clove powder, 1 teaspoon cardamom seeds (finally shredded), 1 teaspoon bicarbonate and 1/2liter of flour 00
Now you can start!!!
Put butter and spices in a bowl. Bring sugar, water and treacle to boil then pour in the bowl, mix all together and let it cool.
Step 2
Sift soda and flour in the bowl with spices mixture. Knead and eventually add flour to get a smooth dough. Store in the fridge overnight or at least 4/5 hours
Step 3
Roll the dough 2-3 mm thick and cut out biscuits with the cookie cutter. If you are going to decorate the Christmas tree don't forget to cut an hole on top (you can use a straw) to let the thread pass through.
Then bake at 200° for 6-8 minutes. They get harder once cooled.

For a quick translation of this recipe, click on:

I'm sure you're going to enjoy it!

*Special thanks to Gaia for: http://www.profumodimamma.it/2013/12/con-la-panza-piena-inglisc-vescion-bilo.html

domenica 8 dicembre 2013

"Rudolph the red-nosed Reindeer" Christmas song

Hi kids!

Here's a nice song to sing while making your Christmas tree along with your family

Can you repeat this tongue-twister on Rudolph?
How many deer would a reindeer reign if a reindeer could reign deer?

Have a nice and happy Sunday full of Christmas decorations...!

giovedì 5 dicembre 2013

A Chubby Little Snowman

Dear Kids,

here's a nice short interactive-poem for you!
Just click on the following link and press the buttons to listen to it and to read it along.
You will be able to repeat every sentence with a very british accent!


You can do it, sure you can!!!

click on the above link and you will get to the page Fantastic First Poems then choose the poem A Chubby Little Snowman and press the button LISTEN or READ ALONG)

domenica 1 dicembre 2013

Our homemade Advent Calendar

Hi Kids!
Here is our Advent Calendar: my kids made it this morning and then I wrote for them a joke for each day from the 1st to the 24th December...
If I tell you what's behind the 24 little windows...will you keep the secret?

1 - Have a candy
2 - Make funny faces
3 - Count to 10!
4 - Make a wish
5 - Paint a rainbow
6 - Kiss your brother and/or your sister
7 - Reply to the question: How old are you?
8 - Think of a present for your brother and/or sister
9 - Jump 3 times
10 - Smile!
11 - Have a chocolate
12 - Go to bed very early tonight, S.Lucia is arriving...!
13 - Clean your room and pick up your toys
14 - Watch TV till late tonight (!!!)
15 - What time is it?
16 - Make a "ring-a-ring-o' roses" (girotondo)
17 - Answer the question: What's your name?
18 - Make a Christmas Card for your grandparents
19 - Ask mum and dad for extra pocket-money (!!!)
20 - Reply to the question: What's the weather like today?
21 - Draw an Angel
22 - Write or say 3 important things in your life
23 - Sing a song you like
24 - Sing the song "Jingle Bells"

Why don't you make one as well...but ask your mum to write jokes for you in English...and of course you will learn many new things!