Happy kids playing English

Happy kids playing English
Blog adatto agli alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado con brevi e divertenti aggiornamenti sui temi più vicini al mondo dei bambini di età compresa tra i 5 ed i 13 anni. Questa idea nasce dal mio desiderio di mamma di condividere con altri bimbi e genitori l'importanza di un approccio ludico e creativo all'apprendimento di una lingua straniera in qualsiasi momento della nostra giornata. Dedicato alla mia carissima insegnante di Inglese alle Medie: Prof. Anna Maria Piatti Errera ed ai nostri futuri "cittadini/e del mondo"!

domenica 3 novembre 2013

A Sunday walk in the wood

Hi young explorers!

It's Autumn, early November: don't miss the chance to take a walk in a park or in a wood with your family and enjoy the beautiful autumn life of animals and trees. This season is a time of plenty with berries, fruits, nuts and seeds everywhere, colours are marvellous and it's also a time of change as some birds arrive while others leave on migration and other animals get ready for the cold winter.
Picture 1
Once back home stamp both Pictures 1 and 2 (the second one on adhesive-paper) and, according to what you did in the wood, check your sense of adventure by sticking the following little circled pictures on the corresponding activities in picture 1*.
Picture 2

(* This activity requires the use of the dictionary: you will learn new vocabulary and practice the past-tense forms with regular and irregular verbs)