Happy kids playing English

Happy kids playing English
Blog adatto agli alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado con brevi e divertenti aggiornamenti sui temi più vicini al mondo dei bambini di età compresa tra i 5 ed i 13 anni. Questa idea nasce dal mio desiderio di mamma di condividere con altri bimbi e genitori l'importanza di un approccio ludico e creativo all'apprendimento di una lingua straniera in qualsiasi momento della nostra giornata. Dedicato alla mia carissima insegnante di Inglese alle Medie: Prof. Anna Maria Piatti Errera ed ai nostri futuri "cittadini/e del mondo"!

domenica 17 novembre 2013

Looking for something to do at home?

Dear kids....
...you look outside the window and the weather does not seem to get better?
No way today to go out and play at the park with your friends?
What a boring day!!!
So, do repeat this magic verse with me:
Boredom, boredom go away, here is something good to play!

Let's sing a song!

Autumn leaves are falling,
falling to the ground
Autumn leaves are falling
yellow, red and brown.

Falling, falling, falling
to the ground
Falling, falling
yellow, red and brown.

Pick them up and gather
in a pretty bunch,
autumn leaves are falling
in the parks they crunch.

Falling, falling, falling
to the ground.
Falling falling:
yellow, red and brown.

Another idea? 
If you picked up some of those wonderful leaves in the park these days, try to make with them a few funny animals like the following ones!

Now match these animals names with their own pictures here above:
find out the squirrel, the elephant, the fox, the mouse, the donkey and the penguin!
Enjoy yourself!