Happy kids playing English

Happy kids playing English
Blog adatto agli alunni della scuola primaria e secondaria di I grado con brevi e divertenti aggiornamenti sui temi più vicini al mondo dei bambini di età compresa tra i 5 ed i 13 anni. Questa idea nasce dal mio desiderio di mamma di condividere con altri bimbi e genitori l'importanza di un approccio ludico e creativo all'apprendimento di una lingua straniera in qualsiasi momento della nostra giornata. Dedicato alla mia carissima insegnante di Inglese alle Medie: Prof. Anna Maria Piatti Errera ed ai nostri futuri "cittadini/e del mondo"!

domenica 12 gennaio 2014

"Not As Easy As the ABC"...but it's worth a try!

Hi kids,

today we can try to do this funny game in order to learn some school idioms:
match the below pictures to their corresponding meanings and you will find out how your English-speaking schoolmates define people and situations at school.

someone who reads a lot
(my sister is a bookworm and is always reading a book)

"Call the roll"
the teacher calls the names of the
students and expects them to answer whether they are there
(every morning before the class starts, the teacher calls the roll)

someone who copies the work of another
(they called him a copycat when they discovered that he had copied
part of the test from another student)

"Eager beaver"
someone who works very hard and is very enthusiastic
(that girl was an eager-beaver and always came to class before the other students)

"Goof off" 
waste time
(my sister spent most of the week goofing off so she was not prepared for her test)

"Hit the books"
begin to study hard
(after playing all weekend I had to hit the books on Sunday evening)

"Teacher's pet"
the teacher's favorite student
(my sister was always the teacher's pet when she was in the first grade at school)

I guess you've done it because I know you are whizz-kids!
Which of these idioms would you like to be called?