Hi kids! Happy New Year 2014!!!
A new year has just begun...what a great opportunity to have new purposes and try to do better than before!
Time has come to show your parents and friends that 1)you can do it, 2)you can do it by your-self and 3)you can do it well!!!
But what?!? All that sort of things mum always reminds you and of course other people might appreciate and smile at!
Just try and life will become easier...won't it?!?
*l'utilizzo di questa immagine è stato gentilmente concesso dalla Interior-designer Daisy Diaz titolare di www.babybottega.com in Firenze e protagonista di una recente intervista sul blog http://www.mammeacrobate.com/casa/design-for-kids/1481-figli-buone-abitudini-poster-design.html
*Special thanks to Daisy for her post dtd.12th Jan.2014 on https://www.facebook.com/BabyBottega